
I once took great pride in the fact that, although the animation is taking forever~ I’d never missed a Swordmaster Odyssey update. Sigh…

The simple upgrade that I mentioned a couple posts or so back should have taken only an afternoon or so. Yet, in the end, it wasted a week of my life, cost me over $200 more than it should have, and took the life of an innocent hard drive. Bah…

I backed up the important stuff (namely all the stuff for the company), but at the very moment that I realized the little diodes on the bottom of the drive had snapped off, images flashed through my mind of all the stuff I had somehow managed to forget! Unless I want to pay for a hard drive recovery–or go through the trouble of hunting down the exact same make/model/date hard drive and swap out the chip boards–it’s likely gone forever, along with a bunch of other stuff that got lost in the transition. Alas! What a fate to befall me!

What’s worse is that with all that time I spent getting stuff together, there was no way for me to do last week’s page, let alone upload it. Hopefully, I’ll be able to pull together this week’s. I make no promises. (The irony here is that I said that last week’s update would be up without a doubt, while I didn’t see myself doing a Sketchbook Monday. Guess which one made it and which one didn’t!) 😉

Sorry for not letting everyone know sooner–it’s been a stressful couple of weeks.