Another Star is currently available for Windows, OS X, and Linux. If you buy the game through the Humble Widget, or certain other retailers, you will also get a Steam key.
Another Star is currently available for Windows, OS X, and Linux. If you buy the game through the Humble Widget, or certain other retailers, you will also get a Steam key.
VIDEO: Graphics card capable of OpenGL 3
SUPPORTED INPUT: Keyboard, or Xbox 360® compatible gamepad
For Windows, you must have the Microsoft .NET 4.0 framework and OpenAL installed in order to run the game. An OpenAL installer has been included with the game for your convenience.
For Linux, you must have a 64-bit operating system, and you must have the Mono framework and OpenAL installed. Depending on what version of Linux you are using, you may need to install package “libopenal1”.
For OS X, you must have the Mono framework installed. Only OS X 10.9 "Mavericks" and newer are supported.
Game and site copyright ©2014, 2015 Vision Riders Entertainment, LLC
CRT shader code in part by cgwg, Themaister, and DOLLS. Shader code licensed under GPL.
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